Architectural forms can be downloaded by clicking the appropriate link below or from the Association Manager. Completed forms can also be mailed or emailed. Click here for contact information.
Please provide complete, detailed information to ensure a practical and thorough review of your request. Applications may be denied for insufficient information. The Property Manager is responsible for determining is an application is complete. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
For example, for a pool request, you should include a current survey with the setback dimensions of the existing building on all four sides, the covenant setbacks, the proposed setbacks for the pool, and the location of the filter and pump equipment. The type of pool enclosure, e.g., screened-in structure or fence, should also be specified.
Specific rules regarding Architectural guidelines include:
Ancillary Structures. Allowable structures include a pet house, hothouse or greenhouse, pool house, outdoor fireplace or barbecue pit, swimming pools, and mechanical installation. ARC approval is required.
Additions/Modification. ARC approval is required for any addition or modification, including changes in color and appearance. This includes changes to your house, docks, seawalls, pools, patios, roofs, driveways, fences, mailboxes, and trees.
Playground and other Sports Equipment. The Property Manager can review and approve requests to install playground and sports equipment on the owner's property, including basketball backboards, skateboard ramps, swing sets, forts, and greens. Such equipment may not be placed on association property without ARC approval.
Garage Apartments. No garage apartment may be constructed.
Sheds. No shed, trailer, tent, or other temporary or movable building or structure is permitted.
Antennas and Satellite Dishes. Based on an FCC ruling, residents are allowed to have video antennas including direct-to-home satellite dishes that are less than one meter (39.37") in diameter, TV antennas, and wireless cable antennas. This equipment must NOT be visible from the street.
Green Energy Initiatives. The SPOA supports green energy initiatives such as solar panels, clotheslines, and other passive energy initiatives. The resident should attempt to minimize visibility from the street.
Xeriscaping. Owners may have Florida-friendly landscaping, as defined in State Statute 373.185(1), and other pollution prevention and water use measures, such as rain barrels and composters.
Fences. Preferred fences are the black aluminum type common in Southwind, usually no taller than four (4) feet. The ARC must approve ALL other fences.
Flagpoles. Subject to building codes, zoning, and easement setbacks, homeowners may have a freestanding flagpole no more than 20 feet high and display one official US flag, not larger than 4 1/2 feet by 6 feet, and an additional flag of the same size or smaller representing the State of Florida, the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or a POW-MIA flag.
Access ramp. Any resident or occupant of the parcel may construct an access ramp if they have a medical necessity or disability that requires egress and ingress. Special conditions apply; please ensure you have ARC approval before construction.
Security signs. Any parcel owner may display a sign of reasonable size provided by a contractor for security services within 10 feet of any entrance to the home.
Setback Requirements. Are defined in the Covenants for each phase of Southwind.
Screens. Screens to cover trash cans must meet the following six requirements: 1) No lattice or plastic fencing; 2) The screen shall not exceed a maximum height of four feet and it should be perpendicular to the side of the house it is attached to. It shall only be large enough to cover trash cans, pool equipment, or air conditioning units. The screen may not be used to store lawn equipment, golf carts, or other storage items; 3) Screens usually are set back at least 10 feet from the front of the house to decrease visibility from the street; 4) Screens shall be painted the same color as the house or a color that blends well; 5) Screens shall be kept in reasonable condition; 6) The ARC shall approve screens.
Work Completion. All construction (new or remodeling) must be completed within seven (7) months of starting. Violations are subject to fines.
Home Maintenance:
Mildew. Excessive mildew must be power washed and cleaned (including fencing).
Painting. Houses must be painted as needed. The ARC must approve the paint color.
Storage. Items cannot be stored outside the garage or fenced area (e.g., on the driveway, under tarps, against the house, etc.).
Hurricane Protection. Temporary hurricane protection, such as accordion hurricane shutters, clear corrugated panels, hurricane fabric, or plywood, is allowed only during active hurricane season.
Holiday Decorations. Holiday decorations are to be removed within 30 days of the holiday.
Window Air conditioners. Units may not be installed on any side of a building wall visible from the street, side yard, or golf course.
Lawn and Landscape Maintenance
Lawns. Lawns must be maintained and cut regularly. Maintenance includes irrigation, weed control, and fertilization. While a weed-free yard is impossible, seeding weeds must be cut to localize their spread.
Landscaping. Beds must be weeded, edged, and mulched as needed; bushes and trees must be trimmed and not overgrown. Fallen trees, limbs, bushes, and debris must be removed from the yard. Driveways, streets, and sidewalks must be edged and cleared of debris.
Tree Removal Rules (6.12.24).
One of the beautiful features of living in SW is our expansive variety of mature and healthy trees, especially our native trees. This guidance outlines board-approved rules for the Association Property Manager and guidelines for the Southwind Architectural Review Committee (ARC) to follow in evaluating homeowner tree removal requests. It is important to note that every tree removal request is assessed case-by-case. Every tree is different, and no one-size-fits-all criteria exist. The Southwind Board publishes rules and guidelines for homeowners, property managers, and the ARC on the Southwind Website. The ARC is expected to use its best judgment on all requests sent to them, noting that the homeowner has the right to use and enjoy their property fully. The ARC is only likely to deny a homeowner's request when it adversely impacts the community. All tree removal requests are to be approved or denied (with justification) in writing. Tree trimming does not require approval but does require property manager coordination. ARC Tree Removal denials may be appealed to the SW Board of Directors. The decision of the SW Board shall be final.
Tree Removals that the Property Manager may approve on the ARC's behalf:
1. Trees(s) diseased, significantly damaged, or dying. If the reason for removal is due to a diseased tree, a letter from an arborist is required.
2. Tree(s) is located where approved construction will occur.
3. Tree(s) posing a hazard to people (leaning) or property (Home, Driveway or Sidewalks).
4. Tree(s) within 5 feet of a neighboring tree (thinning) or home foundation (posing a hazard).
5. Tree roots are causing damage to the home foundation or driveway.
6. Tree removal of a known invasive species in Northern Florida.
7. An arborist finding or recommendation supports Tree(s) removal.
Tree Removal requiring ARC approval:
1. Requests the Property Manager deems questionable.
2. Requests the Property Manager believes should be denied.
3. Removal requests are based solely on aesthetic reasons.
4. Removal requests for maintenance - "nuisance" oak leaves or pine needles.
Diseased Landscaping. Diseased and dead landscaping (bushes, trees) must be removed.
Easements and Drainage. The homeowner must maintain all utility easements as if they were your yard (generally, this is about 8-12’ of the front of each home site and 7 ½’ on the sides). Landscaping may not interfere with the established drainage pattern. You should consult with the association manager before making any landscape changes.